Our Solar System: Evidence for Creation, Part 1 of 9
Entry description:
The speaker, Spike Parris, is a former engineer in the U.S. military space program.This presentation goes through each planet in our Solar System (and a few of their moons), and shows how each one discredits evolutionary theories in a different way. Includes about 100 beautiful photos taken from various space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope. Seattle Creation Conference, 2006. (Note: "Evolution" refers to change over time, not biological evolution). Spike clearly disagrees with the Big Bang Theory, as do I. However, while he would propose creation in seven 24-hour days, I believe the Earth and Universe are very old. I also believe the evidence indicates that we live in an electric universe. Please visit these links related to plasma cosmology:www.thunderbolts.infowww.holoscience.comwww.plasmacosmology.netwww.bigbangneverhappened.orgAlso see this link related to apparent design of the solar system: http://solargeometry.comI also invite you to visit the Christian Apologetics group. http://www.youtube.com/group/ChristianApologetics
Language: Русский
Video runtime: 00:10:00
Author: Martin Pierce